Sunday 15 January 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! It's great to be back and it has been a pleasure hearing about the students' holiday adventures! Best Wishes to you all as we enter 2017!

Last week the students thoroughly enjoyed making their Time Capsules. Please put it away and have your child wait at least one year to open it up. I have told the children the longer they wait to open it the more fun it will be to look inside. The students also completed a New Year Flip Book and added some paper folding and cutting art for decorations. They are hanging outside the classroom so come by and have a look. The children were very creative with their designs.

This month in Language we are diving right back into our routine of weekly spelling, grammar, journal writing and reading activities. The students will begin cursive writing this month! They are very excited to start.

In Science were are continuing to work on our Air and Water unit in January.

This month in Art we will be focusing on colours. Specifically: the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours, complimentary colours, colour tone and warm and cool colours.

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