Sunday 22 October 2017

Late October Update!

     Thank you to everyone who has brought in a donation for the We Scare Hunger food drive. The children are learning about helping others less fortunate and they are so proud to put their donations into the box outside our classroom.  Just a reminder, please don't send in any products which contain nuts.  The Food Drive continues until November 1, 2017.

     Over the next several weeks we will be working on number sense and numeration.  It is recommended that your child work on the following units on IXL - E1 to E12,  F1 to F7, H1 to H6 and L1 to L6 . It is recommended that you supervise your child when using IXL so you can see where your child has made mistakes and explain and help them understand where they have gone wrong.

      Picture Retake Day is on Wednesday November 1, 2017.  Please let me know if you wish a retake, so I can add your name to my list.  

     The grade 8's will be creating a Haunted House for the students to visit. It is usually recommended the students bring a $2.00 donation when entering the Haunted House as the grade 8's are raising money for their grade trip. Our class is scheduled to visit the Haunted House on Friday, October 27th. Your child does not have to visit the Haunted House if they are not comfortable doing so. They will have the option to stay outside in the hallway with Mrs. Champagne.

     Halloween is quickly approaching. This week we will be having a Halloween craft morning. The children are looking forward to making some crafts that they can use to decorate their home. The children may wear their costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31.  There will be a school parade for the parents at 9:00 am.  The parade will be outside weather permitting.  Our classroom party will be in the afternoon.  Just a reminder that face paint is easier to manage than a mask and please no weapons.  

     Finally, a reminder that Pizza Lunch is on Friday, October 27th. Please remind your child how to behave for the parent supervisors in our classroom. The students need to use inside voices, remain seated, use their manners and to clean up after themselves. I will be speaking to the students about these expectations but an extra reminder from home will be helpful too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    The Google calendar on the school website is not working. Would you be able to let us know when it's fixed?

    Thank you!
