Sunday 20 September 2015

Week Two!

     Last week we started our Social Studies Unit on Celebrations and Traditions. The first celebration we talked about was Birthdays. Each student wrote about how they celebrate their birthday and any traditions they may have related to their birthday. Each child got to share their writing with the class.

The students also interviewed a new friend in the class. They will be drawing a portrait of that friend and presenting what they have learned about their friend to the class.

In math we have been sorting objects into groups and having other students guess what our sorting
rules are. The students really enjoyed participating in these hands-on activities.

Last week I sent home a list of  iPad Apps which are fun way for your child to learn and consolidate their skills is math and language. If you did not receive a paper copy please send me a note and I will send another one home,

We have been spending a lot of time creating a safe, secure and positive learning environment. We have been reading books about kindness and respect. On Friday we created a Kindness Quilt on our bulletin board. All of the children wrote about an 'an act of kindness'. The students will be encouraged to add to the quilt over the next couple of weeks.

Scholastic book order forms will be coming home this week. All orders are due on Monday September 28th.

Monday 14 September 2015

We had a very busy first week of school. The students are settling in and becoming comfortable with the routines of our classroom. I am very proud of all of the students. They have been working hard each day and they seem to be very proud of their accomplishments.

Our classroom walls are beginning to be covered with samples of students work. Last week the children really enjoyed making their self portraits. They look great! Please feel free to pop by anytime to have a look.

This week we will be starting our spelling program. The words will start off quite easy for some students but will increase in difficulty as the weeks go on. Many students know these words individually however they seem to have difficulty applying this knowledge in their daily writing. We will also be continuing to work together to build a bank of high frequency words which will be added to our Word Wall each week. It will be expected that all words from our Word Wall be spelled correctly in their daily writing. The students have written the words in their planner and there will be a test on Friday.

Monday 7 September 2015

Welcome to Grade Two!

Welcome to Grade Two!

 I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! I have been busy preparing the classroom for an exciting year in grade two. My goal is to create a happy and inviting classroom where children will learn, create new friendships, and reach their individual potential. We will work hard together to create an enjoyable and productive learning environment.

Please check this blog frequently as it will give you the most up to date information about events that are happening in our classroom.

Our Schedule :

Day 1 - Computers
Day 2 - Phys-Ed
Day 3 - Music
Day 4 - Library
Day 5 - Phys-Ed and Health