Sunday 3 February 2019

February News

Brrrrrr! Winter is definitely here! Glad we are finally having a break from the cold temperatures. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold/wet weather. Only when there is extreme cold weather (according to TDSB policy), will students be staying inside for recess and lunch breaks. I am recommending your child keep an extra pair of gloves and socks in their locker. They should also remember to keep a pair of indoor shoes at school.

Lunch – On cold or rainy days I am encouraging you to bring your child home for lunch, if at all possible. A change of scenery, and being in a quieter environment during the lunch hour will help your child recharge and be more focused for an afternoon of learning. 

Just a reminder that Report Cards will be going home on February 11th. I placed a note in your child's agenda last week indicating if I felt an interview was needed at this time. Any parent who still wishes to book an interview may do so on the online booking system  You will need to enter the event code qkv9w.  If for some reason you miss the booking deadline, write a note in your child's planner and we can book a time that is convenient for both of us.

During the next two weeks we will be discussing Ground Hog Day, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and the 100th day of school. This is a continuation of learning about celebrations and traditions as part of the Grade Two Social Studies Curriculum. The students will also be doing several reading, writing and art activities related to these celebrations throughout the month of February.

On Thursday February 14th, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day. Students who wish to bring in Valentine's cards or nut/peanut free treats are asked to bring in one for each child to avoid children feeling excluded. Please see the class list that was sent home today. The children are welcome to bring in their Valentine's beginning on February 11th.

In math, we will soon be completing our unit on 2D and 3D shapes. Our next unit will be focusing on multiplication. We will begin by discussing the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication. I encourage all students to learn some of their multiplication facts. This will give your child a head start into grade three. I would also like to stress the importance of your child memorizing the basic addition and subtraction facts to 20. Some children are very slow to arrive at the answers and are still relying on their fingers. Practice, practice, practice! Please continue to help your child keep up with the IXL units. For the most part, they are directly related to what we are doing in class, and help a lot! Congratulations to our class for receiving an IXL award for answering 15,000 questions on IXL! WOW! That's a lot of questions! Amazing!!!

In the month of February, please work on the following units on IXL: E16, E17, E18, E19, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6,  

In Science, we have completed our unit on Liquids and Solids. Last week we had a fun morning of hands on experiments using different liquids and solids with the Scientist in the School. Thank you to (James's mom), Melanie (Lauren's mom) and Linda (Dexter's mom), who helped make the morning a great success! In a few weeks we will be introducing our next unit called Air and Water. 

In Art, we are continuing to focus on colours. Specifically: the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours, complimentary colours, colour tone and warm and cool colours.

Absences: Please let the office know if you will be taking your child out of school for any length of time.  Your child can always keep a journal of their travels and read daily. IXL and RAZ are also great if you have access to the internet.

That's all for now! I will let you know when this blog has been updated again through your child's