Saturday 5 January 2019

Happy New Year! - January News

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I am looking forward to hearing about the students' holiday adventures! Best Wishes to you all as we enter 2019!

Thank you to everyone for my very generous gift card and Swell Travel Mug! Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated!  I am looking forward to treating myself to something special in the New Year.

December was a very busy and exciting month both at school and at home. The children were all very excited to see that two of Santa's elves had come to visit us. The elves would fly back to the North Pole every night and report to Santa all of the wonderful things that were happening with the students in our class. The students looked forward to discovering them each morning in his tricky and amusing hiding spots.

Craft Day / Class Party - Thank you to everyone who contributed treats to our class party.  Thank you also to Melissa (Riley's mom), Anna (Matthew's mom), Catherine (Tabitha's mom), Mercedes (Sophia's mom) and Melanie (Lauren's mom) who organized some great holiday crafts! The children loved participating in this special morning.

Stonegate - Thank you to all of the families who contributed to our class Stonegate Family.  Your generosity helped make the holiday season special for another family. Teaching the students the benefits of giving to those less fortunate, is an important and lifelong lesson.

A big thank you to all of the volunteers who have continued to help in the classroom and at home in many different ways. The students greatly benefit from our teamwork.

Secret Santa
The students thoroughly enjoyed giving and receiving a new book from their Secret Santa.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  All of the children were so pleased and were very eager to read and share their new books.      

This month in Language we are diving right back into our routine of weekly spelling, grammar, journal writing and reading activities. We will be finishing our class novel, The BFG, during the next two weeks. We will then begin a whole class novel study based on a book written by Alexander McCall Smith called Akimbo and The Elephants.

During the next two weeks we will be working on Patterning in Math. Please review Sections D1-D6 on IXL to help your child consolidate their learning in this area.  We will also continue to work on addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  We will be continuing to focus on increasing the speed and accuracy of basic facts to 20 through our daily One Minute Math drills.

Later on in January we will begin Measurement unit in Math. Throughout this unit, we will focus on measuring length,width and height using standard and non-standard units. Standard units include cm, m, while non-standard units include paper clips, cubes, fingers, feet, etc.

In Science we begin to work on our Liquids and Solids unit in January.

Media Literacy

We will be learning about the many different forms media. Please send in a few newspapers, magazines, travel brochures, menus, etc. We will be working in small groups and making a collage of different forms of Media.  Please send these in by Friday.

In Art we will be focusing on colours. Specifically: the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours, complimentary colours, colour tone and warm and cool colours.

Please let the office know if you will be taking you child out of school for any length of time in the New Year. Your child can always keep a journal of their travels and read daily.  IXL and RAZ are also great if you have access to the internet.

- Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.  Students that stay at school for lunch will definitely need to be well dressed, since they are outside for quite a long time.

- Students may want to have an extra pair of gloves/socks so that they don't have to put on wet ones after getting them wet at recess.

- All students will need to have a pair of indoor running shoes which are to be kept at school in their locker or to be taken to and from school in their backpack.

- Please remember to send a water bottle to be kept at school for the week.

Well, that's all for now! I will let you know when this blog has been updated again through your child's agenda.  If you have any questions or concerns please write a note in your child's planner or drop by the classroom before or after school. You can also call the school and leave a message for me in the office.

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