Sunday 18 September 2016

A Very Busy Second Week!

Thank you to everyone who attended our Curriculum Night last Thursday evening. I hope you enjoyed looking around our classroom and seeing all of the wonderful work the children have been doing over the last couple of weeks. The students are very proud of their accomplishments so far in grade two. If you had another commitment and were not able to attend last Thursday, please feel free to drop by the classroom with your child and have a look around.

On Tuesday we read The Kindness Quilt by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace and discussed ways that we can show kindness both at school and at home through words and actions. The students shared their ideas of how they could show kindness to friends, siblings, parents, classmates, etc. We then created our own Kindness Quilt with paper. The students are very proud of the quilt we made which is displayed on one of the bulletin boards in our classroom.

Last week each child chose a classmate to interview and then they presented what they learned about their friend to the class. They also had to draw a portrait of their friend. The students all enjoyed learning new things about each other. They did a wonderful job on this three part assignment.

This week I will be sending home IXL and RAZ login information. Please feel free to begin using these great learning tools as soon as you receive the login information.

We will begin our Spelling Program this week. The students will write these words in their planner tomorrow and we will have a spelling test on Friday.

Our first unit in Math is Sorting and Data Management. We will be reading and interpreting a variety of graphs and charts. Students will also be conducting surveys, collecting and organizing data, and presenting their data in Venn Diagrams, tally charts, pictographs and bar graphs.

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