Sunday 11 September 2016

First Week

The first week of Grade Two was a great success! Hopefully all of you have taken some time to review the detailed letters that were sent home this week. I hope that I was able to address most of the questions you may have about how our classroom works. I have been encouraging the children to bring their parent/caregivers by our classroom to show them around. This can be done before or after school. You will also have an opportunity to visit our classroom at Curriculum Night which is this Thursday September 15, 2016.

This month the Character Trait is Respect! We have read several books with theme's relating to respect and we also created a classroom chart with our ideas about what Respect looks/sounds like.
This week we read one our favourite books, Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. Each student was holding a paper heart. Each time Chrysanthemum was teased because of her name, we crumpled up the heart. Every time someone did something nice to her we tried to smooth it out. By the end of the story, the heart was very wrinkled and could not be smoothed. The students got the connection that our own heart feels wrinkled and crumpled sometimes when we don't like what someone says. Words do hurt. We should away stop and think before we speak. It's hard to fix a wrinkled heart!

This week we also made a list of Classroom Agreements which will help to ensure our classroom is a safe, secure and happy place to learn. Each student signed the Chart of Agreements to show they have agreed to follow our Classroom Agreements.

If your chiId is interested in participating in Cross Country, the first practice will be on Tuesday, September 13th.  Cross Country will be every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Exercise is a great way for your child to start their day!

Thank you for filling in all of those forms that were sent home last week. There are still a few outstanding. If you have time this weekend, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a look at them if you have not done so already. Please remember to send in $8.00 for your child's agenda

Scholastic book orders are due on September 26, 2016.

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