Sunday 25 September 2016

This week you all received your son/daughter's login information for IXL and RAZ. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to explore these wonderful learning tools. I recommend your child use the programs 2-3 times per week for 15 minutes each time.

We also started our spelling program this week. Once the words have gone home, your child will be accountable for spelling these words correctly in their daily writing. I will also be adding 3-5 "NoExcuse" words to the list each week. These words are from a list of words of high frequency words that your child is expected to know by the end of grade two. Quite often children do very well on the weekly spelling test however the words may still be spelled incorrectly in their daily writing. Your child will be encouraged to use our Word Wall, Word Wiz Dictionaries and Word Cards to ensure these words are spelled correctly in their daily work.

In Social Studies we began discussing Traditions and Celebrations. This will be an on-going theme throughout the year.

In Math, we have been learning how to make a graphs. Your child worked with a partner and came up with a question with four possible answers. Then they surveyed the class and created a graph using the information from their survey. The groups worked very well together and the graphs are on display above the hooks outside our classroom.

In Language we are working on answering comprehension questions using complete sentences both orally and in the written form.

We are looking forward to our Terry Fox Walk this week. Just a reminder, everyone is welcome to join our walk.

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